Monday, January 14, 2008

re: your paper

this is in response to the queries and comments posted by sapphire, wrong shakira, damn no shaphirra. sorry for that.

anw i must say i dont expect the queries. after 21 years in singapore you are expected to be docile and follow the rules, not question them. in any case, here is the response. say, you are driving your father's volvo (ooh gossip) back to maju camp for ippt and accidentally knocked down the iron picket that says 'oc alpha'. obviously, other than incurring the wrath of oc alpha for occupying the space for his avante (ooh gossip gossip), you would have to pay maju an iron picket right? now on the other hand, if the iron picket accidentally falls on your volvo, who would be responsible? well you can hire a lawyer to fight your case, but lawyers just disappear off with money dont they? it is very much a pro-business environment. as for the question on insurance, i am pleased to announce that our partner insurance company, la'viva do cover such incidents. for a monthly premium fee, you get your reporting profile restricted to friends only, friendster-like. so go ahead, flood me with your gossips with a peace of mind!

i think you have some misunderstandings. the daily, monthly or yearly refers to the payment mode, not the frequency of publishing. the frequency of publishing really depends on you guys, and maybe a little bit on the amount of payment made. just that little bit. but i guess it still returns to your point... but hey, it is not my fault is it?

on the last note, i dont know what you mean when you said you can provide 'guaranteed juicy info', cos all i know is that you are the subject of most gossips now. maybe that is another way of selling yourself into the limelight.


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